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Written by ean at 1561170595819

Ya bois got some more ASCII art! I've been practicing.

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Y'all with the vampire squad?

Written by ean at 1559151513876

Been reading Bram Stoker's Dracula recently. I've been surprised at how good of a book it is. I don't normally find myself enjoying books written almost 100 years before I was born, but Dracula rules and is genuinely terrifying.

There are some things that are to be expected in a book written in the 19th century, sexism, racism, classism, but overall they aren't as drastic as one would expect. The book also does a good job at horror without a lot of explicit violence, which is interesting.

I think the most interesting part of it all is the nature of vampiricism. Whether the Count is a representation of immigrants or if the whole book is just a pro-Catholic pamphlet. My favorite interpretation is Franco Moretti's interpretation that Dracula represents a figure of monopoly capitalism in his book "The Dialectic of Fear". A character with other worldly power who can't sustain the power without sucking it from the blood of mere mortals. Dracula is indiscriminant with his feeding, and will manipulate others so as to maintain a flow of fresh victims.

The infinite growth of late capitalism mirrors the unending need of the vampire.


What would you do if you didn't have to work?

Written by ean at 1556556719700

Today I was asked the question "what would you do if you didn't have to work?", and I really didn't have a good answer. I have a lot of things I think I would do, but at the same time what do I do right now when I am not working? Mostly just hang out with my kids, play video games with my friends, do chores, and so on. So many of these activites feel like I am paying down debt though.

The first thing I do when I am done working is spend time with my kids. Kids don't grow forever, and I am disinclined to miss it. Video games serve as a social activity, I play with other adults, mostly parents themselves, and we use the games as a canvas for our friendship. Chores obviously need to be done, but when it comes down to to it, all of these things tend to really be chores themselves, hygiene. No it's not a chore to be a dad, or to play video games, but these are things which serve to reset my mind, to prepare for more work.

When away on business my mental balance degrades with my psychological hygiene. I can't sustain it for long, which seems to highlight the fact that what I do in my free-time is medicine, to mitigate the symptoms of work.

It's discomforting to think that my time is split 3 ways: work, sleep, and X. I used to think X was where I was living, but after reflection, it seems X is recovery. Work, sleep, and doing anything I can to make work bareable again. Shining a light on it feels gross, a sort of dread and finality, similar to that sinking feeling I had when leaving school: no more summer vacations or winter breaks. A growing up of sorts, I guess.

What would I do if I didn't have to work? I'm not sure, but whatever it would be, I know it's what I am supposed to be doing.



Written by ean at 1553876909253

I've been trying to learn to make ASCII art from scratch. So far, the hardest part has been deciding which symbols to use, and figuring out size parameters.

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